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5 Tips If You Are Learning How To Crochet

Harry wears an olive green version of the Super Simple Crochet Beanie.

Harry wears an olive green version of the Super Simple Crochet Beanie.


Hey Crochet Friend!

Just checking how your crochet journey is going!? I know, I hear you! Learning to crochet can be so frustrating when it doesn’t go smoothly!  Hang in there, you will figure this out! I do have some tips to help navigate this tricky process. 

1)Give yourself the chance to make mistakes. In other words, don’t expect your first (or second) attempt at crochet to produce a perfectly symmetrical king size blanket! Mostly because that is a massive undertaking but also because you have to practice all the stitch work on a small sample size square.

2)Learn in small doses. Honestly, you’ll get better results from a 10 minute hyper focused crochet session than you ever will from a 3 hour binge!  

3)Take the time to watch the video tutorials. Do yourself the favour, watch the Will Travel For Wool Tutorials. They outline all the information you will require to get started and you can replay the any parts you need to see over and over again.

4)Put the distractions away. This simply means “turn the tv off”!! Go on, it’s just for 10 minutes!

5)When you get frustrated, put it down. Truly, walk away! Give your hands and your head a hot minute to rest and come back to the project with fresh eyes.  

Cheers, Jennine

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